SFP module,1.25Gb , 1310/1550nm, Bi-Di,20 km

SFP module,1.25Gb , 1310/1550nm, Bi-Di,20 km



SFP модулен транссивер , съвместим с SFP MS и SFF-8472 стандарти.Покрива изискванията на Class I Laser Safety requirements по IEC-825 стандарта. Предаващата и приемаща функция са реализирани в SFP 20 pin корпус със оптичен интерфейс SC или LC. Предавателя е реализиран с високо надежден 1310 nm или 1550 nm FP лазерен диод за теснолентов синал или DVB при големите дистанций.Осигурява надеждно предаване на данни със скорост до 1.25Gbps по оптичен кабел на разстояниие до 20км.

The SFP (Small Form Factor Pluggable ) transceivers is compliant with SFP MSA (Multi-Source Agreement ) and SFF-8472. All modules satisfy Class I Laser Safety requirements in accordance with the international IEC-825 standards. The transmit and receive functions are contained in a SFP 20 pin package with a SC connector interface. The transmitter incorporates a highly reliable 1310 nm or 1550 nm Laser (FP laser for narrow, Intermediate distance and DFB laser for long distance) and a driver circuit which converts data to light with APC function. The output power can be disabled via he single TX_Disable pin. Logic LVTTL HIGH level disables the transmitter. The receiver incorporates an efficient InGaAs/InP PIN or APD photodiode receiver converting the light signal into an electrical current which is amplified and regenerated into data. The transimpedance amplifier IC has internal AGC for wide dynamic range. The postamplifier is AC coupled to preamplifier through a capacitor and a low pass filter. It can be enough to pass the signal to 2.5Gb/s without significant sensitivity. A Signal Detect status output flag is also provided. The transceiver operates from a single +3.3V power supply over an operating temperature range of 0 to +70C. The transceiver uses the SFP 20-pin connector to allow hot plug capability. Detailed product information in EEPROM and digital diagnostic monitoring is offered.

Производител: Петрико ООД

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